Collaborative work in networks

Apr 04

Facebook Messenger

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Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging system application created by the Facebook company (now Meta), and incorporated into the Facebook social networks. The application, available on Windows and various mobile operating systems such as Android or AppStore, allows members of the social network to chat with their contacts without necessarily being connected to the website.

Facebook is currently developing a new feature on Messenger: a professional messenger to answer its customers. Its advantage? It will now be possible to switch from a personal account to the one of its professional page directly within the Messenger application, which will bring a considerable saving of time for companies.

Today, we believe that Messenger is one of the most interesting applications for professionals thanks to the age and scope of the Facebook network. Moreover, the platform is accessible to everyone and the design is professional.

Mar 30


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WhatsApp Business is a free downloadable application available for Android and iPhone, designed for the needs of small business owners. WhatsApp is an instant messaging service. It allows two people or larger groups to exchange messages, images, videos or audio messages via their Internet connection. What else can WhatsApp be used for? Recently it has also become possible to chat and make phone calls. It remains to be seen how WhatsApp works and what benefits you can get from this mobile application.

The application is also available on computers, it can be downloaded on different operating systems. 
Mar 30


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Snapchat is an application that allows you to talk, send photos, videos and documents very quickly with your friends. Snapchat is not necessarily the most serious and professional application, but it is used by many students because it is very easy to use and to work on. The interface is not very professional but it allows you to share information instantly !

Snapchat gets major UI overhaul

As you can see from the pictures, snapchat is not the application that you directly think of when you think of an application to work with, however its fun and enjoyable aspect attracts many students to work with it! Snapchat is very similar to whatsapp and messenger in terms of features but is more fun to use. The problem is that the application is not available on computers.

Mar 30

Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft teams is the collaboration tool of the Microsoft company. It allows you to create different teams within the same organization. It allows to create different projects and to share documents with certain people.
The advantage of this tool is that it is compatible with the Microsoft suite and therefore allows to use excel, word or powerpoint. Thanks to this, no need to convert documents on google drive. It is also possible to make video conferences on this application. We can also use direct messaging. Notifications can appears on you laptop to improve efficiency. Finally, Microsoft teams focus and centralize all the information of a projet at the same place and simplify all the projects.

Mar 30


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Slack is a messaging app for businesses that connects people to the information they need. Slack transforms communication in organizations by connecting people to collaborate as one unified team. It empowers asynchronous work.

In slack you can communicate with all your organisation throught Channels, to a specific group with private channels, or to any individual thanks to direct message.

Slack also allows you to upload documents, pin messages and integrate other apps to increase productivity inside your company.

Feb 16

Pros and Cons

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First of all, let’s talk about the advantages of being able to talk instantly with our friends, family or work colleagues. Being able to send and receive messages in a very quick and simple way makes it easy to transfer and share information in real time. Being able to share and communicate easily with other people makes our daily lives much easier. Instant messaging applications have become so fundamental to our lives that it is only when we deprive ourselves of using them that we really realise how valuable they are. These applications allow us to work and communicate with several people without any real limits, we can create groups with 100 people in them without any problem or bug. Moreover, instant messages are overshadowing a widely used communication tool which is email. Indeed, the young generation prefers to send instant messages rather than emails. E-mails allow the sending of professional messages while instant messaging applications allow the sending of all types of messages!


On the other hand, instant communication can have undesirable and harmful effects. First, since we can access our phone without stopping, message notifications become a great distraction. As a result, our productivity can be negatively impacted. In addition, it can prevent us from enjoying the world around us. Then, if we give in to these distractions, instant messages can become an addiction. Indeed, as soon as we can send and receive information directly, we do not leave our phone or computer waiting for the next message. We become addicted. Finally, these instant messaging applications mix business and personal and this prevents us from making a clear distinction between the two. This can lead to conflicts at work or in your personal life.

Feb 16

Instant messaging — Real time chat

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What is it : 

Real time chat and instant message is a type of service available on the internet. This allows you to exchange written messages with someone else who is using the service at the same time. 

Why I should use it

Send messages anytime, anywhere and be able to communicate easily with everybody. We should use instant messaging also because its facilitates social ties.

Feb 16

Our team

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Hello, welcome on our blog, here you can find our team presentation. We are the Frenchies. Our team is composed of Tanguy, Pierre and Morgane.

Pierre – Morgane – Tanguy